“I sought Karen's help to build my agency's brand and for prospect targeting and outreach. She was a responsive, strategic and optimistic partner, and played an integral role in helping us define our brand identity and key points of differentiation. In less than six months, we are finalizing our first sale and are at a point where we can confidently execute on the strategies she helped us put into place.”
— April White, Agency Owner
“Karen is hands down the most professional, hardest working, and creative person I have had the pleasure of working with. The attribute I most admire about Karen professionally is her spot-on intuition. When decisions need to made quickly she knows exactly the right action to take. She has an incredible feel for the collective mood of large groups, and knows exactly how to pipe into it.”
— Dustin Reeder, Business Owner
“Karen Schultz possesses the rare quality of high intellect and finely tuned intuition that helps provide a perspective unique and helpful to getting a project done well. Her ability to communicate is unmatched. She quickly becomes an invaluable asset to any team. I highly recommend Karen.”
— Paul Konrardy, VP Content & Client Strategy
“Karen and I worked together on business development opportunities for nearly two years. Karen is that rare breed who not only understands business development but also has the experience of a strategist. She cannot only provide a business solution, but also understands how that solution works and how it could drive business goals.”